Labneh, piment et huile verte

Labneh, lemon drop and green oil

We very often make homemade labneh and we have fun adding always different toppings, varying the oils and the honey-based preparation. Which also works with all fresh cheeses.

Ingredients - 2 people, to share

  • 125g of cow's milk yogurt
  • 125g of sheep's milk yogurt
  • salt
  • 15cl of neutral oil
  • 5/6 fig leaves or a large handful of basil, mint...
  • our mountain honey and lemon drop chilli
  • pistachio pieces

    1° / Mix the two yogurts and a pinch of salt. Pour everything into cheesecloth and let the yogurt drain into a strainer over a salad bowl, in the fridge, between 8 hours and 24 hours. The longer the waiting time, the firmer the labneh will be.

    2° / Before serving, prepare the green oil. In a blender add 15cl of neutral oil, roughly tear the leaves, removing the stems. Mix everything for 5 minutes. Filter using a fine strainer.

    3° / Spread the cream cheese on a plate, add a few pieces of pistachios, salt and generously top with our honey and lemon drop chilli blend. Finish with a drizzle of green oil. Serve with warm pita breads.

    **note : green oil can only be kept for a few days, refrigerated.